
时间:2025-02-25 11:27:07 作者:水韵 热度:



▲spend+time+to do sth.:(不定式表示目的,【注意】表目的动作意味着将来发生)

Spend some time to learn more about the company.花点时间多了解公司的情况。

Would you spend some time to help me fix the computer?你愿意花些时间来帮我修电脑吗?


She spent a whole afternoon sorting out her stamps.她花了整整一个下午整理邮票。

I spent all my spare time reading poetry. 我花掉了所有的业余时间阅读诗歌。


The boy spent 48 hours shut up in his bedroom.这个男孩被关在卧室里,度过了48小时。

The hunter spent three days hidden in the cave during the snowstorm.暴风雪中,猎人躲在山洞里度过了三天时间。

▲spend+time+in doing sth.:(介词短语作状语,表示“方面”。)

Don't spend so much time in doing one thing.不要花那么多时间做一件事。

I spend two hours in doing my homework every day.我每天花两个小时用于做家庭作业。

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